A Child's Garden
Preschool and Child Care Programs

Extended Care Program

The Extended Care Program at a Child's Garden is a wonderful and convenient option for both students and their parents. Extended care begins at 7:30 a.m. and continues after our school day until 5 p.m.
The program consists of stimulating, structured activities as well as the opportunity for free play. Weather permitting, outside recess is a priority for most of the afternoon.
In the colder months, or when the children come in from outside, a different activity is planned for each day of the week. These activities include arts & crafts and games. The children then have time for free play with manipulatives, coloring, dramatic play, etc.
The aftercare program affords the students extra time to socialize and play with peers and teachers after the instructional day has ended. Check out the beginning and end images in the appropriate classroom's photo gallery for sample extended care program activities.
Our Commitment to Excellence
In 2015, A Child's Garden became one of the only Early Childhood Programs in Anne Arundel County to be awarded the highest rating (check level 5) under the Maryland EXCELS program based upon nationally recognized quality standards and best practices.
In 2005, A Child’s Garden joined the very few independent preschool programs to be accredited by the Maryland Department of Education Early Childhood Accreditation Project. This means our management, staff and curricula meet the highest standards in Maryland.